Subscribe & Save

Simplify your dog care routine and save money with our Subscribe & Save service.

A convenient, personalised service that delivers natural, UK-sourced dog food and treats – FREE - to your door. (Delivery to CV37 and CV34 postcodes Only).

Simply Choose your products, set your schedule, and enjoy a 5% discount on every order.

It's the easy and affordable way to keep your Dog happy and healthy!

You're in control. You can change products, alter your schedule, or cancel whenever you choose.

See our list of Subscribe & Save Categories Below:

Can't find your favourite? Drop us a line and we'll see if we can source it, so you can also get the benefits and savings.

Don't say this too loud, - but if you have a cat, - we may be able to get their food too. But shushhh.

Click here for our contact form: